Ganesh Kumar
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Dr. A. Ganesh-Kumar is Professor at the Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR), Mumbai. He is a Member of the National Statistical Commission, Govermnent of India. He is a Member of the Board of Management of IGIDR (Feb. 2024 onwards, and earlier between Nov. 2018 – Nov. 2021), Dean of Faculties (Nov. 2018 – Nov. 2021) and Dean Academic Affairs (Oct. 2015 – Sep. 2017). He holds a Ph.D. from the Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata. He has also worked as Regional Advisor at United Nations-Economic Social Commission for Asia Pacific (UN-ESCAP), Bangkok, and as Research Fellow at International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), New Delhi. He was a member of the Advisory Committee on National Accounts Statistics (ACNAS), Central Statistics Office (CSO), Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India, and was a Member of the Working Group for the 77th Round of NSS, National Sample Survey Office (NSSO), Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI), Government of India. He specializes in computable general equilibrium (CGE) modelling with a focus on food security and grain management policies; issues in agricultural trade; pricing policies; spatial dimensions of Indian economy; and policies for sustainable human development and economic growth. He has undertaken several projects for the Government of India, Reserve Bank of India, and for various international agencies such as the Asian Development Bank, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, FAO, IDRC, USAID, USDA, UN-ESCAP, and World Bank. He has brought out over 100 publications including books, monographs, journal articles, book chapters, project reports and working papers. He was awarded the Commonwealth Fellowship – 2001-02, by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission, for post-doctoral studies at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, U.K. He is the recipient of the D. K. Desai Prize for the Best Paper under General Stream, 1999, in the Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, awarded by the Indian Society of Agricultural Economics. He was in the Editorial Boards of Agricultural Economics published by the International Association of Agricultural Economists and Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics published by the Indian Society of Agricultural Economics.
- Dev, S. M., A. Ganesh-Kumar and V. L. Pandey (Eds.). 2023. Achieving Zero Hunger in India: Challenges and Policies. Springer-Nature, Singapore. Open access book:
- ESCAP. 2015. Asia-Pacific Countries with Special Needs Development Report 2015.ESCAP, Bangkok.
- Zepeda, E., S. McDonald, M. Panda and A. Ganesh-Kumar with C. Sapkota. 2013. Employing India: Guaranteeing Jobs for the Rural Poor. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington D.C.
- Gulati, A., A. Ganesh-Kumar, G. Shreedhar, H. Pullabhotla, X. Zhang. 2010. Ensuring Food and Nutritional Security in Nepal: A Stocktaking Exercise. USAID, Kathmandu.
- Ganesh-Kumar, A., D. Roy and A. Gulati (Eds.). 2010. Liberalizing Food Grains Markets: Experiences, Impact and Lessons from South Asia. IFPRI-Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
- Polaski, S., A. Ganesh-Kumar, S. McDonald, M. Panda and S. Robinson. 2008. India’s Trade Policy Choices: Managing Diverse Challenges. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington D.C.
- Ganesh-Kumar, A., K. Sen and R. Vaidya. 2003. International Competitiveness, Investment and Finance: A Case Study of India. Routledge, London.
- Dawe, D., R. Briones, N. Hassan, H. J. Huang, A. Ganesh-Kumar, L. H. Nguyen, H. P. Saliem, N. Shaheen, T. T. T. Truong, N. Wichitaksorn and S. Bloem. 2019. "Trends in Food Prepared Outside the Home in some Asian Countries". World Food Policy. 5 pp.16–23. DOI:
- Chaudhuri, S., S. Ray and A. Ganesh-Kumar. 2018. "Integrated Model of Computable General Equilibrium and Social Cost Benefit Analysis of an Indian Oil Refinery: Future Projections and Macroeconomic Effects". Journal of Infrastructure Development. 10 (1-2), pp. 96-125. DOI:
- Das, V. K. and A. Ganesh-Kumar. 2018. “Farm Size, Livelihood Diversification and Farmer’s Income in India”. DECISION. 45(2), pp. 185-201, DOI: 10.1007/s40622-018-0177-9.
- Chatterjee, T. and A. Ganesh-Kumar. 2016. “Geographic neighbourhood and cluster formation: Evidence from Indian agriculture”. Journal of Development Studies. 52(11), pp. 1577-1592, DOI:10.1080/00220388.2016.1166211.
- Ganesh-Kumar, A. and T. Chatterjee. 2016. “Mega External Preferential Trade Agreements and Their Impacts on Indian Economy”. Foreign Trade Review. 51(1), pp.46-80, DOI:10.1177/0015732515616545.
- Gulati, A., A. Ganesh-Kumar, G. Shreedhar and T. Nandakumar. 2012. “Agriculture and Malnutrition in India”. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 33(1), pp.31-43, pp.31-43, DOI:10.1177/156482651203300108.
- Ganesh-Kumar, A. and G. K. Saini. 2009. “Economic Co-operation in South Asia: The Dilemma of SAFTA and Beyond”. Journal of South Asian Development, 4(2), pp.253-281, pp.253-281, DOI:10.1177/097317410900400205.
- Parikh, J., M. Panda, A. Ganesh-Kumar and V. Singh. 2009. “CO2 emissions structure of Indian economy”. Energy, 34(8), pp. 1024-1031, pp. 1024-1031, DOI:10.1016/
- Parikh, K. S., A. Ganesh-Kumar and G. Darbha. 2003. “Growth and Welfare Consequences of a Rise in Minimum Support Prices”. Economic and Political Weekly, 38(9), pp. 891-895. Also re-printed in U. Kapila (Ed.) Indian Economy Since Independence, 17th Edition, 2006, Academic Foundation, New Delhi.
- Ganesh-Kumar, A., K. Sen and R. Vaidya. 2002. “Does the Source of Financing Matter?: Financial Markets, Financial Intermediaries and Investment in India”. Journal of International Development, 14(2), pp.211-228, DOI: 10.1002/jid.873.
- Ganesh-Kumar, A., K. Sen and R. Vaidya. 2001. “Outward Orientation, Investment and Finance Constraints: A Study of Indian Firms”. Journal of Development Studies, 37(4), pp.133-149, DOI:10.1080/00220380412331322071.
- Ganesh-Kumar, A. 1999. “Spatial Variability in Crop Yields: The Case of Cereals Across Districts of Andhra Pradesh”. Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 54(1), pp.53-78. *** This paper was adjudged the “Best under the General Stream – year 1999” for the D. K. Desai Prize Award Scheme initiated by the Indian Society of Agricultural Economics.
- Parikh, K. S., N. S. S. Narayana, M. Panda and A. Ganesh-Kumar. 1997. “Agricultural Trade Liberalization: Growth, Welfare and Large Country Effects”. Agricultural Economics, 17(1), pp.1-20.
- Parikh, K. S., N. S. S. Narayana, M. Panda and A. Ganesh-Kumar. 1995. “Strategies for Agricultural Liberalization: Consequences for Growth, Welfare and Distribution”. Economic and Political Weekly, 30(39), pp. A90-A92.
- Harak, N. and A. Ganesh-Kumar. (Forthcoming). “Pricing Reforms in Natural Gas Sector of India: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis”, J. Parikh and P. Ghosh (Eds.) Festschrift in honour of KP @85, Integrated Research and Action for Development (IRADe), New Delhi.
- Dev, S. M., A. Ganesh-Kumar and V. L. Pandey. 2023. “Introduction”. In S. M. Dev, A. Ganesh-Kumar and V. L. Pandey (Eds.) Achieving Zero Hunger in India: Challenges and Policies. Springer-Nature, Singapore.
- Das, V. K. and A. Ganesh-Kumar. 2022. “Commercialization, Diversification and Structural Determinants of Farmers’ Income in India”. In S. Mahendra Dev (Ed.) India Development Report–2020, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
- Babu, P. G., A. Ganesh-Kumar, and C. Kumar. 2022. “Reforms in the Farm Acts: Agriculture Markets”. In P. G. Babu (Ed.) Economic Policy in Covid-19 Times, Orient Blackswan Private Limited, Hyderabad.
- Ganesh-Kumar, A. and V. K. Das. 2020. “Do Storage and Structural Factors Determine Agricultural Commercialization in India?”. In A. K. Mishra, A. Kumar and P. K. Joshi (Eds.) Transforming Agriculture in South Asia: The Role of Value Chains and Contract Farming, Routledge, London.
- Bhakta, R. and A. Ganesh-Kumar. 2017. “Adult education and composition of labour supply in India”. In S. Mahendra Dev (Ed.) India Development Report–2017, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
- Chatterjee, T. and A. Ganesh-Kumar. 2017. “Spatial Aspects of Diversification in Indian Agriculture”. In S. Mahendra Dev (Ed.) India Development Report–2017, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
- Ganesh-Kumar, A. and M. Panda. 2016. “Some Policies for Agricultural Growth and Their Impacts on Southern India: An Assessment Using a Regional Computable General Equilibrium Model”. Paper presented at the Workshop on Prospects for Agriculture in India’s Southern Region over the Medium Term: Setting an Agenda for Strategies to Meet Challenges, Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai.
- Ganesh-Kumar, A. and N. Harak. 2015. “Oil and Natural Gas Price Reforms and its Impacts on Indian Agriculture”. In S. Mahendra Dev (Ed.) India Development Report–2015, Oxford University Press, New Delhi
- Jha, S., P. V. Srinivasan and A. Ganesh-Kumar. 2010. “Achieving food security in a cost-effective way: Implications of domestic deregulation and liberalized trade in India”. In A. Ganesh-Kumar, D. Roy and A. Gulati (Eds.) Liberalizing Food Grains Markets: Experiences, Impact and Lessons from South Asia, IFPRI-Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
- Ganesh-Kumar, A. and M. Panda. 2009. “Global Economic Shocks and Indian Policy Response: An Analysis Using a CGE model”. In K. S. Parikh (Ed.) Macro-Modeling for the Eleventh Five Year Plan of India, Planning Commission, Government of India / Academic Foundation, New Delhi.
- Ganesh-Kumar, A., A. Gulati and R. Cummings Jr. 2009. “Reforming Foodgrains Management: Achieving Food Security with Cost-Effectiveness”. In S. Singh and V. R. Reddy (Eds.) Changing Contours of Asian Agriculture: Essays in Honour of Prof. V.S.Vyas, Academic Foundations, New Delhi.
- Ganesh-Kumar, A., K. Sen and R. Vaidya. 2002. “International Competitiveness, Trade and Finance: India”. In J. M. Fanelli and R. Medhora (Eds.) Finance and Competitiveness in Developing Countries, Routledge, London.
- Bhakta, R. and A. Ganesh-Kumar. 2024. “Policy Alternatives for Accelerating Health & Educational Attainments of Children in India: An Analysis using Computable General Equilibrium Model”. WP-2024-02, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai.
- Jaiswal, H., and A. Ganesh-Kumar. 2024. “A new mechanism for trade agreements to revitalize the Global Value Chains”. WP-2024-01, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai.
- Harak, N. and A. Ganesh-Kumar. 2021. “Pricing Reforms in Natural Gas Sector of India: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis”, Paper presented at the "KP @85 Festschrift Conference- Session 3", online conference organized by Integrated Research and Action for Development (IRADe), New Delhi. 10 Oct., 2020. WP-2021-018, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai.
- Gupta, T. and A. Ganesh-Kumar. 2020. “Structural Equation Approach to Modelling Social Norms in Female Education: A Case Study of India”, WP-2020-032, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai.
- Das, V. K. and A. Ganesh-Kumar. 2019. “Off-the-farm Livelihood Choice of Farm Households in India”, WP-2019-032, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai.
- Food and Agricultural Policy in India
- Economic Growth and Sustainable Development Goals
- Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model of India
- Veeramani, C. and A. Ganesh-Kumar. 2023. “Study on the Impact of FDI under Automatic Route in Plantation Sector of Kerala”. Report submitted to the Agriculture (WTO Cell) Department, Government of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram.
- “SPANDAN Project – Grants for Innovative Research Proposals”, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Seattle. Dev, S. M., A. Ganesh-Kumar and V. L. Pandey (Eds.). 2023. Achieving Zero Hunger in India: Challenges and Policies. Springer-Nature, Singapore. Open access book:
- Ganesh-Kumar, A., B. K. Ghosh, K. Mate and P. S. Rawat. (2017). “Some macroeconomic impacts of different types of public expenditure in India: Analysis using a computable general equilibrium model”. Development Research Group (DRG) Study No. 43, Department of Economic and Policy Research (DEPR), Reserve Bank of India (RBI), Mumbai.
- Ganesh-Kumar, A. 2016. “Estimating Rice Consumption Home Away for India”. Report submitted to Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (FAO-RAP), Bangkok.
- Ganesh-Kumar, A. 2014. “Growth or economic structure: What matters for achieving zero income-poverty in India?” Report submitted to United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) South and South-West Asia Office, New Delhi.
- Ganesh-Kumar, A. and M. Panda. 2014. “State level fiscal policy choices and their impacts: Analysis using a regional social accounting matrix for India, 2011-12”. Report submitted to the 14th Finance Commission, Government of India, New Delhi.
- Ganesh-Kumar, A. and M. Panda. 2014. “Some Policy Options for Indian Agriculture: Analysis Using a Regional Computable General Equilibrium Model”. Report submitted to the World Bank, New Delhi.
- Econometrics – II
- Applied general equilibrium models
- Himanshu Jaiswal: “Assessing the impact of Free Trade Agreements: An exercise for India”
- Balram Kumar: “Agriculture, Diet and Nutrition: Three Essays on Nutrition”
- Deepali Gupta: “Labour Market Impacts of Participation in Global Value Chains: Analysis Of India’s Manufacturing Industries”
- Anand Dubey: “Productivity, Adaptation & Land Use: Three Essays on the impact of climatic shocks and their frequency on Agriculture”